The Pivot


            1. The pivot is defined as the accumulation of mature believers living in a client nation or under a civil government in a specific geographical location. Pivots were actually started in the 19th century because they were under the government of the British empire, and the British empire brought establishment to the bush. Behind establishment came missionaries who presented the gospel and taught Bible doctrine and so little pivots were formed in the 19th century in almost every one of the areas of the world.

            2. While the pivot is composed primarily of mature believers who have achieved gate eight of the protocol system in the plan of God it may also include, of course, those positive believers whose momentum has taken them past that first great mandate, virtue first.

            3. Technically, then, the pivot may include all believers who have fulfilled the principle of virtue first as one of the major priorities in the plan of God.

            4. The pivot stands out in contrast to believers living in the cosmic system, believers whose arrogance from motivational evil results in self-righteous arrogance.

            5. These believers are apostate, and you can always recognise apostasy by the platitudes, by the self-righteousness, by the crusader arrogance, by the distortion of doctrine and disorientation to reality. There is a certain percentage of born-again believers who are mentally ill from arrogance.  

            6. The true Christian influence in the national entity is spiritual while the believer’s responsibility is defined under the laws of divine establishment.

            7. Christianity must never be the state. Religions always try to be the state, e.g. Iran, Arab countries. The influence of Christianity is not influencing the state with Christian principles but growing in grace, establishing a pivot. We therefore believe and advocate to the ultimate the separation of church and state for the true function of freedom and the fulfillment of human volition in the angelic conflict. We support the state, we support establishment, but we are not the establishment.

            8. This does not imply that Christians should not serve in government. It does imply that believers in government service must abide by the laws of divine establishment and they must never seek to force Christianity on others. No one should be forced to believe in Christ. People must accept Christ by their own personal consent. In other words, Christianity must not be the state. The reason that ecumenical religion went out under finesse judgment is because they destroyed themselves. When religion seeks to become the state it is a bad decision, and therefore evil cancels evil. God uses evil to punish evil.


            The pivot and the client nation

            1. The client nation to God is not a Christian nation. There is no such thing as a Christian nation. A Christian nation would mean that every person in the nation is a Christian. It has never existed and it never will, but there is a such a thing as a client nation to God. However, a client nation to God is not a Christian nation, it is simply a national entity in which the civil government recognises establishment principles of freedom, including privacy and the sacredness of property and life.        

            2. The client nation to God contains a pivot of mature believers, those who have achieved spiritual momentum in the protocol system — spiritual influence.

            3. This means that there is enough freedom in that nation to provide for extensive evangelism without government interference or federal persecution. From this evangelism there comes a cadre, a cadre for the pivot. It must be remembered, however, that in the development of a cadre for the pivot not all believers execute the plan of God. So that one of the greatest enemies to spiritual influence in a nation are born-again believers who want to crusade. Not all believers execute the plan of God, they become apostate through life in Satan’s cosmic system. And these cosmic believers become potential revolutionists through civil disobedience, they become fanatical crusaders disrupting the freedom and rights of others through social action.